I apologize if this has been dealt with in another thread. I read through and didn't see anything relatively recently. 

First let me say this is only in a fantasy context, I understand that real blackmail is illegal in most countries. This is a topic that I am drawn to and also terrified of. I have no interest in exposure, but the idea of this as a supplement to a power exchange really adds something for me. Even knowing I am probably safe from exposure, I would be far less likely to want to leave an arrangement knowing she has any info about me. The mix of fear and power is intoxicating. 

I am curious to hear from those who have experienced with this fetish what are some smart and safe ways to enjoy it. What has and hasn't worked for you?


Black mail is against the rules here, to my knowledge. 

I would LOVE to discuss true total power exchange, where one is locked out of accounts and actually rendered helpless.. and at the mercy of a Domme. PM me and ask away.


One of my rt subs and I have a lot of fun with this topic at times. I use it to make him squirm, but at the end of the day, real dommes know it is their responsibility to protect our submissives from themselves. He knows my views on that and that I would never bring him any actual harm. He can relax while we play, soak up whatever I'm hurling at him (and believe me, I may come off sweet but when I get going ouch!) and at the end of the session he's still safe. 

Lady Asphodel

One of my subs enjoys the threat of it, though both of us know I would never actually do it.  Keeping in mind that real blackmail IS illegal, the fantasy of it is not uncommon and I think it's fine to indulge it as long as clear boundaries are discussed and established.  From my side, I have screencaps of him consenting to that type of play just to cover my own butt, but from a sub's perspective I would say only do it with a domme you really trust.

Mistress Alexxxia

While blackmail is off limits on this site, and it extraordinarily illegal with more a negative impact on the provider than the seeker, I have enjoyed forms of fantasy play with it with past submissives. I moreso prefer TPE and debt with the tease of blackmail which I think scratches the itch while keeps both parties safe.


in my opinion it isnt worth it.