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by on January 18, 2019
Recently a very handsome and motivated man contacted me here on FinDoms. I’ve had some success with submissives wishing to provide the occasional gift but not anyone, to date, who wished to engage a long term financial arrangement.  While it’s too soon to tell how this relationship will ultimately play out, his desire and motivation to this point is outstanding.  Our relationship for sure is over a very long distance but we do seem to have a fabulous connection and a number of aspects of our ...
295 views 2 likes
by on January 15, 2019
For those readers that have kept up with my series of blogs, you will know that I have been with wonderful Miss Dakota since October 1.  She truly is my dream come true and on Christmas Day She took me under Her permanent Ownership.  This submissive pet has never been happier!   It’s not an exaggeration to say that Miss Dakota has changed me in the 3 months or so since She first made contact with me.  She has dominated me in subtle and not so subtle ways but it’s always for the better.  I ...
365 views 0 likes
by on December 31, 2018
So here we are at the end of another year – goodbye 2018 & hello 2019!   Yet for this submissive pet, out with the old and in with the new happened 3 months ago!  That was when my dream Goddess, Miss Dakota sent me a message and turned my life inside out and upside down and I wouldn’t want it any other way :heart:  Three months on, and Miss Dakota is now my Owner and i love every moment with Her.  Thank You my beautiful Goddess, my Ruler, my Owner. ...
331 views 0 likes
by on December 21, 2018
Last week, I was sick.  It started on last Tuesday afternoon at work and when I got home, I crashed out on my recliner for a bit of a snooze.  This is something I never do.  Unless I’m sick.   Then I woke up and I let Miss Dakota know I wasn’t feeling good and She leapt into action!  Straight away She asked me what my symptoms were and then She gave me a list of things to get and told me I needed to call out from work on the Wednesday. ...
383 views 0 likes
by on December 20, 2018
This is a list of some of the questions I ask any new sub. His/Her answers determine if I will allow them to serve me. 1- What is your experience in the BDSM world? New subs have to be trained and guided. They need extra time and tasks require more research. 2- Do you have a stable environment around you? Meaning does this person have a job, are they capable of paying their bills... ...
715 views 5 likes
by on December 19, 2018
Now I won't be answering any of these questions myself in this post. I have answered them in my own content all over the internet. I have it posted on my website and so many other findom sites. If a sub wants to serve me, he/she also has to do their own research. The point is subs, if you get your mind out of your pants and use common sense there would be so much fewer instadoms.   Questions a submissive should be asking any Domme before committing to her.   ...
445 views 3 likes
by on December 11, 2018
These are some thoughts I have had from conversations with Miss Dakota & others.  Not attempting to tell anyone what or how to do things, it’s just my thoughts.     ...
537 views 2 likes
by on December 9, 2018
I have taken the time to list all of the frequent questions that I keep getting. I am doing this because it is getting time-consuming to answer all of the same questions over and over again. Also, it makes it easier for you as a sub/slave to chose me if you wish to serve. The questions are here. The answers are on my website and I will link you to it at the end. Feel free to comment with any more questions you may have and I will update it all only my website. I am doing it this way because it s...
707 views 1 like
by on December 4, 2018
In an earlier blog (Discovering More ) I wrote a little about the Chastity Device I acquired after Miss Dakota added it to my Amazon list.  I was going to write “at Her suggestion” but then I thought “at Her instruction” was more appropriate but now I don’t really which it was!   I think this is part of the genius of Miss Dakota.  She makes  things seem like a suggestion but they somehow carries the force of an instruction.  Or maybe that’s just my insatiable desire to please Her.   Anyway...
540 views 4 likes
by on November 26, 2018
I just have some random thoughts and observations :) Humiliation - Findom seem to attract subs strongly into humiliation.  Why is that?  I don’t have the answer.  All I can say is that I am not remotely into being humiliated.  To me, findom is about handing over power to a Goddess in the form of financial tributes and gifts.  I don’t find that at all humiliating.  Pleasing Goddess is all that matters to me, making Her smile and making Her feel happy and powerful.   While I understand many g...
471 views 1 like
by on November 19, 2018
I have become convinced that everyone falls somewhere on what I call a Dominance/submission continuum. Most of society falls close to the middle while those of us in the M/s and D/s communities are outliers falling closer to the Dominance or submissive ends of the spectrum. Despite this reality, our society teaches all of its males that they are "are kings" and need not submit to anyone. This teaching is reinforced by family, schools, churches and other organizations with which we deal with on a...
458 views 1 like
by on November 19, 2018
7 Weeks 49 Days 1,176 Hours ...
356 views 0 likes