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by on September 21, 2021
Its more than you sending and obeying. There is a certain way I expect my pets to conduct themselves. A certain way that I want you rejecting other dommes, speaking with other subs, carrying yourself in your day to day life.    I want you to be successful and happy, so that all of the misery you so deserve comes right from me 😈 I want to be the one to inflict your punishment for being a male. I want MY boots stomping into your nutsack. MY words swirling around your mind. I want every singl...
151 views 0 likes
by on August 15, 2021
Cocks in steel cages with keys thrown in trashes Strap-ons that stretch my sub’s lips and their asses  Credits to my account going “ka-ching”  These are a few of my favorite things.  ...
169 views 6 likes
by on May 30, 2021
What is it that you have always wanted to do but been too afraid or too ashamed to admit? You have been putting on a facade for a long time now. But, it's ok you no longer need to withhold it from yourself. ...
307 views 6 likes
by on April 13, 2021
Hello bois! For those who don't know Me. I am Miss Kristy. Long time member of this site. I've been away dominating the real world making grown men cry at my feet and taking a much needed vacation while the pandemic has gone on. Well guess what bitches? I'm back in full force and offering my extreme budgeting and extensive submissive therapy. This is not for the weak or the poor. I don't do anything small or anyone lol! Ask my lovers! If you think you have what it takes you can correctly mess...
318 views 2 likes
by on December 28, 2020
Had a lovely sub approach me several months ago. This submissive man was looking for TPE. He was very pleasant. His manners were impeccable, a well-behaved gentleman. The conversation flowed and was enjoyable Just the type I would happily add to my stable. He did not make the cut, unfortunately. The reason was simple, he lives in another time zone, on the other side of the Earth, which makes it near impossible to do TPE. TPE- Total Power Exchange is a 24 hour a day, 7 days a week relationsh...
300 views 3 likes
by on November 3, 2020
They may be elusive, they may be cautious and they may be slow to warm up, but when they do.... you know you are in for something spectacular! The feti-shy as I call them can be hard to track down, hard to win the trust of and you may find them lurking on and off for a very long time, but when they do take the plunge and approach... it’s beautiful. They tend to only approach on their own when they are ready and when they are certain, which makes them sincere. If you treat these precious li...
277 views 5 likes
by on July 6, 2020
So, I've been thinking a lot recently about some areas of contention between Dommes. Those little disagreements about what's "proper," or what makes someone a "real Domme," or which way we "should" portray ourselves. My intention with this blog isn't to stir up controversy, but rather, to have a discussion about some of these things.   I'm sure we've all seen it. "A real Domme wouldn't do X. A Domme worth her salt wouldn't wear Y. Dommes have to do Z." ...
277 views 7 likes
by on November 4, 2019
I have a few subs who I have real intellectual conversations with and I love pushing their minds about an array of topics. Me, being a sapiosexual person, (look it up if you don't know what that is boys) actually looks forward to these rare emails where its paragraphs of replies. We had a long conversation the other day about submission or subjugation. Which came first? A good sub should want to submit. However, a Domme can push limits, require a sub to do something hes uncomfortable with, but h...
518 views 4 likes
by on March 20, 2019
Warning to anyone reading. I am NOT making a judgment on any of these terms. Whatever you want to be BE IT. There is enough judgment from the outside world when it comes to findom. Even in the BDSM world most of us are judged. So the best way to combat that from my experience is to arm yourself with knowledge and perfect your skills to be seen as professional in this world. The conversation was brought about from a Pet that I don't own. He is a friend of mine. Yep, you heard me a friend. We h...
473 views 3 likes
by on March 2, 2019
Can you afford me? Maybe, can you resist me? Absolutely not. My face, beautiful angelic and pure hiding the depravity within. The shock you feel as I reveal how strict I can truely be. My eyes, showing you exactly how I feel, beautifully displaying when to love and when to fear me. ...
452 views 1 like
by on February 23, 2019
I will take what I post this morning straight from my Fetlife blog because I think it should also be shared with the community here. Remember ladies it does not make you less dominant to take care of your subs and care about them. " It has been a long time since I took the time to post things here. Mainly due to time. I have been busy educating people on Twitter about being Dominant. ...
525 views 6 likes
by on February 5, 2019
The last few days have been a roller coaster training a group of 30 women who want to explore the BDSM world. Most of these ladies were in their 20s, 30s and 40s. When setting up these groups the mix of ages in important and here is the reason way. First, let's examine what usually happens with each age group.   20s ...
447 views 1 like