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Temptress Carmen
by on December 23, 2021

What do you think makes a domme?

This is a question I've been toying with the past few weeks. With Twitter as one of my main platforms, as a plus size, faceless domme it is a question that some days baffles me as I am overstimulated with imagery of fake tits, airbrushed photos and perfect bodies. Nothing against them, it's just not me.

Being faceless to the public was important to me, it's my privacy and I feel it's my right. I am not against sharing myself with established subs and I have. As a BBW, I get a mix bag of hate, indifferent and total adoration. 

But what makes a domme? Is it the body? Is it the words spoken? Is it the intention behind the actions and words? Is it one's fetishes or kinks? Or is it the inner confidence and power that shine through like a bright light that the right subs fly to like a moth to a flame. 

Personally, I can't help but think it's all of that and more. There's no exact recipe. 

What do you think?

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I think each dom and sub have they own dynamic and there for it ha a diffrent meaning to each person sub or dom. I'm also a bbw but trust me there is a market for us many love us esp the Amazon woman I'm 5 ft 10 240 herls I'm 6 3 min.... be yourself. Not every sub seeks degration and not every dom s... View more
Like December 23, 2021
Temptress Carmen
I love that and I agree 1f642.png
Like December 23, 2021
Agreeing with you, in that it's all of that and more. Heavy on the 'intention behind the actions and words' and inner confidence. Other things will always factor in, and those things are all subjective, but without intention and confidence, a person is probably not going to get too far
Like December 23, 2021 Edited
Temptress Carmen
Like December 23, 2021
Agree confidence is key speak to the sub like he already sent it like u already own him...
Like December 23, 2021
easily led
It's that undefinable something something. It's having confidence and a certain attitude, but above all authenticity. Just as there is no one right way to be a Domme, there is no one template either for what makes a Domme.
Like December 23, 2021