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Royal Domme
Graphic Design & General Update
I am very excited to say that I will be changing my content very soon! A lovely submissive that is under my consideration is a very talented Graphic Design Artist, he is working very hard to serve me not only with tributes but also by creating new Designs for me. Banners, Logos, Watermarks, etc. I myself am an artist so I appreciate an individual that has a creative side to them. Afterall it is extremely important ( In my personal opinion ) to have a connection with a submissive that is looking to serve you long term. However that is an entirely different blog post... one that I am working on right now and will hopefully be published tonight or sometime this weekend. Getting back on track here, I absolutely love seeing another person create beautiful art and expressing themselves through their craft. I am looking forward to updating my entire profile as well as my twitter with new art. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do.
Another bit of exciting news I would like to share is that I am currently working very hard on creating a personal website! A place where you can go browse through exclusive photos as well as learn more about me. There will be a section for just about everything! Including an Application to serve me, Blackmail Application/Contract, Details on different kinds of Kinks that I am into, an About me Section, a " Ways to serve me Silently" Page, and SO much more! I will include links to my profiles on Twitter and Findoms.com as well as have a place ( Most likely on my blog ) where I will invite a new domme every week ( or as often as I can ) to share a bit about herself and do a guest post. I truly believe that Dommes and just Women in general should support one another and lift each other up whenever possible.... Again that is another Blog post I will be writing soon lol. I hope to make it a great place for others to learn about who I am as a Domme, share content, give out information for those who are seeking it, and a place where I can give a platform to fellow Dommes so they can share their Beautiful Dominance with another audience. I will be updating you all about the progress as it comes along. I would like to also Thank everyone here on this wonderful site! I truly appreciate all the kindness, understanding, support, and general Feeling of being welcomed that I have recieved from SO many of you! That includes you lovely Subs that were kind enough to welcome me also. It is so very apreciated. Coming onto a new website can be intimidating, being the "New Girl" can make you feel like you don't belong. However I have absolutely been welcomed by many of you. I remember each interaction and have a deep respect for those who have been so welcoming. So thank you. Lastly, before I end this blog I would like invite any ladies who are looking to have some graphic design work done to feel free to message me. My talented little sub is currently taking on extra work to further his service to me. His servitude is quite impressive. So I offer his services to Dommes at a discounted and reasonable price to help support them in building their empire as well as to keep him busy. It is a win win for everyone. Just DM me with some info about what you are interested in having done and I will speak with him and then have him contact you to sort out the details further. Thank you for reading this crazy, unorganized, all over the place blog post. lol The next one will be much better and my thoughts will be organized in a way that doesn't jump all over the damn place. I hope you all have an amazing rest of your evening/day depending on where you are in the world. Sending my Love and Positive Energy your way! XOXO Miss Dakota