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Male Lives in Nebraska, United States Born on January 2, 1988
Anyone dommes in the NY area
Any goddesses in the NY area
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Use the search function above! Do the work rather than spamming this same question that no one has responded to at least three times now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Like September 19, 2024
Goddesses in NY?
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Any New York Goddesses on here? If so please DM
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Princess Paris
Do not trust this profile. “Sissyslave88” is a Fake sub who asks for video verification than disappears. Waste of space.
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I truly believe there is a kink called "time wasting." Many on here seem to embrace that kink, it's shame. I also believe in something called Karma, and those who waste time, will come in contact with Goddess Karma one day, and she is the biggest bitch of all.
Like September 4, 2023
Miss North
We’re all cam verified. If any sub on here is asking for further verification I tell them to kick rocks 😂
Like September 5, 2023
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