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Curvy Miss Q

Female Born on November 8
Curvy Miss Q
Featured Domme
Upgraded Members
by on July 30, 2020
First impressions count! So your approach matters  When someone approaches me I quickly learn about them, their approach will  also determine if I give them any of my time, for example if someone sends me a message barley stringing a sentence together I just won't bother to reply,why waste my energy on someone who clearly can't put any effort in!  You also need to make yourself stand out from the 100s of other "hi" or "I want to serve you messages" ...
140 views 7 likes
by on July 7, 2020
I write this blog because I am curious about something Part of the enjoyment about findom for me is that I rarely have to spend my own money,but it got me thinking does the amount count or that there are subs who pick up the bill for it? For example if you buy a new top for £10 (or whatever  currency you use) and your sub sends for it some people may wonder what the point is as it is a small amount where as some may think the amount does not matter because it is exciting to know that a sub...
182 views 1 like
by on July 7, 2020
Writing a profile:- Try and include as much as you can,a list of kinks/fetishes you enjoy, limits, what you are truly looking for,maybe include any experience you have. Just be honest and write honestly, don't include things you think someone wants to hear/read. I also find it helpful if a sub has written a full profile because personally any sub that contacts me I will look at their profile,posts and so on to see if we have anything in common and such.   ...
168 views 3 likes
by on July 4, 2020
I have written a blog previously about time wasting and to be honest this will cover that a little as well Any sub that is worth your time will show/prove that to you, they won't try and dangle a carrot in front of you or make empty promises I have heard it all myself, I don't get paid until Friday, I have been scammed before and all the other excuses you can think of, when I get messages like that I have to make a decision to engage or not, it is my choice to respond or ignore it ...
114 views 5 likes
by on May 29, 2020
The short and honest answer is no, it is about more than money for me, it is about the enjoyment, the pleasure, the excitement I get, the connections I build, the freedom to be as creative as possible and the chance to be my natural, dominant self I have turned down money many times, this can be because I don't like the subs attitude or because I don't share the same kink or maybe we don't click, the point is if this was just about the money and money was all I cared about things such as atti...
237 views 3 likes
by on April 24, 2020
Findom is not some easy get rich quick scheme  Domination in general is not easy not just findom, it is not something you just wake up one day decide to do and become rich or become good at it! You have to know what you are doing, you have to learn,in fact you never stop learning,you have to keep things safe, you need to do your research,invest time and energy into all you do, you need to have patience and understanding  ...
121 views 3 likes
by on March 28, 2020
When all that blood rushes down all logic, straight thinking and common sense goes with it! There is nothing wrong with getting excited and aroused, it is natural  when you are talking to or around powerful women but you have to think with your brain and not allow yourself to be so easily led by your little friend  But why? Because as I said above all logic and so on go out the window and you can't think clearly which leads to mistakes and stupid decisions  ...
149 views 3 likes
by on March 12, 2020
 Ghosting is pretty much inevitable and something that appears to be happening frequently, but why? Guilt, this I think is a common reason for ghosting and is felt for various reasons, this could be anything from the amount sent, to sending in the first place or it could be because a sub feels guilt for doing it to begin with, I have had subs tell me before it almost feels like cheating Getting caught up in it all, it is easy to get carried away especially when you feel excited, I think it...
176 views 5 likes
by on March 9, 2020
Honesty is always the best policy!  Start by being honest with yourself, think about what you truly want, what you desire, what you enjoy, what is a turn off, think about your limits and so on Subs be honest and realistic about what you can offer a Domme, be honest about the tributes you can send, don't make promises you can't keep just because you think it sounds impressive  ...
106 views 2 likes
by on March 7, 2020
I decided to write this blog as I have been thinking about just how freeing it must feel for subs to open up and be who they finally always wanted to be  Sometimes you feel pressured to confrom to a certain standard or maybe you feel like you don't quite fit it in,maybe you worry about not liking vanilla stuff  Kink and fetish is still taboo for some, I have had subs approach me worried I will think they are odd because they enjoy feet,I am very open minded and not much shocks me anymore, ...
106 views 2 likes
by on March 1, 2020
I wanted to cover a couple of things in this blog I have mentioned numerous times that you don't have to be rich to participate in findom but I also said money is subjective so the term "rich" means different things to different people  The point I am getting at here leads me onto something I want to cover in this blog which is the affordability of findom ...
1.2k+ views 3 likes
by on February 28, 2020
Everyone has them and it is important to know them! I have had men who are shocked by the fact that I have limits as a Domme,well of course I do! Not everything is for everyone,I am not going to bypass my own morals or dislikes for any amount of money,if I truly don't enjoy something then no amount of money will change that and it certainly  would not make me enjoy it! It is important to set your boundaries and know what limits you have and you need to be firm about them,if as a sub you ar...
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