Royal Dommes


💋🖤 Tired of lurking in the shadows, sweetheart? 🔥 Come out and play with me... 💸 I can see you watching, and I must say, I'm intrigued. 💦 It's time to take the next step and introduce yourself. Don't ... View more
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Magically Delicious
Hmmm 🤔 I can’t say these #gloves are gonna keep my fiddling, fondling, fingers very warm in these artic climates 🥶 I need a few hot horny holes to shove them in 😈 Open up sluts!!! #Femdom #EbonyD... View more
Magically Delicious
No rest for the wicked!!! 3rd night on the trot & it’s Christmas Eve!!! 😇🤶🏾🎄 So as I’ll be sleeping most of tomorrow I’ll take the opportunity now to wish all my filthy fans, friends & sluts a very... View more
Magically Delicious
No. You can’t sit on my knee!! BUTT what you can do is kneel before me, whilst begging to divulge your wank fuelled wanton wishes for Christmas 😍 ... View more
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