
Im not just a dom or a moneyhungry girl that will say anything for you to keep sending. I am natural, not just bossy and bratty, I am assertive, and was born to lead. I am a leader. Now, when dealing with me, I don't think it's smart to run you into the ground and make you give me more than what you are capable of handling before you sink in debt, no that's idiom. Firstly, if you aren't able to keep stacking money away to savings and pay bills on time, wtf are we doing then? I want to elevate you, and let you spoil me some. I mean I am a business woman, and helping you financially prosper is what im good at. I don't want to be the rift turning your life to shit, let's face it, eventually, you will get rid of me or stop dealing with me because of the rift I am causing you, doing more harm than good has never been a quality of mine. Now, why should you serve me? Well the same way I look at you, is how i look at my own finances, I am goal orientated and have a real purpose, not just cause I want to be rich or want to blow your money on a shopping spree, get real, Im smart, and benefiting both of us, without getting into all of it, let's just say I am accomplishing goals that I was born for, it's my destiny. It's very deep honestly. Finally, what is my biggest turn on in a man, doing for me and helping me accomplish the goals I am working on. That is huge for me. Anyways, let me elevate you, and quit being such a poor fucking loser.



Topics: findom, serve, cuck, slave