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2022 is the year of the Black-Water Tiger. She is fierce. She is bold. She is strong. She enacts changes she wants with the patience and planning of a predator and executes them with the confidence that her power gives her.
Like everyone, I’m experiencing the jarring reality of going into 2022 with all the same fears of 2020, but I’m determined to make the most of it. There are many new beginnings for Me, and I’ve already got My first 2 findom blackmail fetish contracts of the year!
New Fe...
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Graphic Design & General Update
I am very excited to say that I will be changing my content very soon! A lovely submissive that is under my consideration is a very talented Graphic Design Artist, he is working very hard to serve me not only with tributes but also by creating new Designs for me. Banners, Logos, Watermarks, etc. I myself am an artist so I appreciate an individual that has a creative side to them. Afterall it is extremely important ( In my personal opinion ) to have a conn...
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