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by on November 5, 2019
My Perspective as an financial extremist.   I have been in the world of Dominatrix for about 7 years now. I fell into it by total accident, and believe to this day it's my calling. ...
321 views 3 likes
by on September 26, 2019
I'm feeling a real loneliness recently, more often than not.  Since my live-in slave moved out, I've had a hole in my world. We parted amicably and out of necessity, and I'm more than ready to meet someone long term. I plan on doing an online only relationship right now, but I hope it can develop into more. How have you coped with the loss of a BDSM relationship vs a monogamous "vanilla" one? I've found that many methods are similar, but moving on is a bit harder. ...
479 views 2 likes