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by on September 4, 2019
"Why is he here if he is owned?" is something I was asked about my owned sub. I have a few reasons for allowing my submissive to remain on this website. 1. They can answer questions, other subs may have, about me.  Those prospective subs may be too shy to ask me but might approach my sub. Yes, subs do talk amongst themselves.  ...
350 views 10 likes
by on September 2, 2019
Loyalty means so much to me. It is an important characteristic of any relationship, whether BDSM or vanilla. Seems few understand the meaning. Fealty should be given for a relationship to flourish and grow.  loy·al·ty /ˈloiəltē/ noun the quality of being loyal. a strong feeling of support or allegiance. ...
284 views 2 likes