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by on December 12, 2023
In a world where we're often consumed by the hustle and bustle of daily life, taking the time to spoil ourselves is a vital act of self-love. One way I have discovered to indulge in this delightful practice is by curating the perfect wish list. I should not have to wait for special occasions, I should be celebrated often. I added an array of enticing gifts to my wishlist. Join me on this journey of indulgence and explore the art of spoiling me. The Joy of Anticipation: There's something magi...
105 views 1 like
by on December 15, 2022
It is the holiday season once more. This year I have simple wishes. I want a relaxed and stress-free Christmas. First, on my list is a deluxe spa day. Lavishly treated hair, feet, and nails. Perhaps a nice massage. I am sure there are gift cards for that. Second, on my list is a maid service. I want an impeccable home. Why should I raise my hand to clean?  ...
130 views 0 likes
by on November 19, 2020
Amazon has put a damper on our holiday plans. This is unacceptable. We are smarter than they are. There are a few things that we can do.  Time to make a burner email address. Use older emails like Hotmail and Yahoo. Instead of being MistressXYZ, try being MrsXYZ. Just use a plain name like Jane Smith, it works. You could make a new Amazon account with purchases going to a P.O. Box. Why give them any more money? There are other retailers with wish lists and gift cards. I am sure they will en...
243 views 4 likes
by on December 2, 2018
Hanukka​h begins at sundown on tomorrow Sunday, Dec. 2 and lasts until sundown on Monday, Dec. 10. The miracle of Hanukkah is that only one vial of oil was found with just enough oil to illuminate the Temple lamp for one day, and yet it lasted for eight full days. The symbolic lighting of the menorah for eight days and gifts for each day is part of the celebration. For Hanukkah, we can play a game using the dreidel. Many people play with chocolate gelt. Gelt is the Yiddish word for money. We ...
598 views 1 like
by on December 1, 2018
Having anxieties about those special gifts to get your Domme/s for the holidays? Here is a list of ideas. You can pick out some or all. Ask your Domme what she likes, get to know her tastes. 1. Wish List Items- you know she is going to like something she already picked out for herself. ...
387 views 2 likes
by on November 26, 2018
This time of year is stressful, whether it is good or negative stress. Everyone can feel overwhelmed at one time or another, but when you feel bad for long periods of time, reach out.  The fewer hours of sunlight can affect depression. Lack of a support network makes it hard. Being around Family is chaotic. Shopping with huge crowds. There are so many social and environmental triggers this time of year. If you find yourself spiraling down that "rabbit hole", reach out and ask for help. Below ...
437 views 4 likes
by on November 12, 2018
  With Thanksgiving coming up next week, it is time to reflect on what we are thankful for. Personally, I am thankful for my family, friends, kink community, and my devoted slaves. This has been another incredible year. I have started a fourth business venture this year using monies from tributes. I have been on a few sub funded holidays. Looking forward to more (Christmas cruise hint hint subs).  I have been able to be more active in my local kink community. This has led to some wonderful se...
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