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by on November 24, 2020
Have you ever wondered why I don't tell you all about my shitty day, or ask you to 'send to make it better'?   Well that is because I neither want nor need your pity. I am a Domme, all I need from you is your adoration, awe and obedience. I want gift upon gift and tribute upon tribute, due to my phenomenal presence and awesome aura, not my pitiful, begging, complaining, whiney existence. ...
296 views 7 likes
by on November 20, 2020
  Reimbursements don't they leave you with a great feeling?   ...
309 views 5 likes
by on November 18, 2020
Remember my Gods and Clods: It's okay to say NO. We are not always for everyone and not everyone is for us. We will meet dommes we like, we will meet dommes we don't and vice versa.  The dynamic will not work if we don't fully enjoy and immerse ourself into that relationship, whatever it may be. ...
287 views 0 likes
by on November 13, 2020
Imagine feeling safe knowing you can talk through your fantasies, your likes/dislikes without being judged... Well you can. NiteFlirt is the perfect place to try out your dreams, see how they fit be more adventurous but also feel safe. Yeah you get some awkward ladies and also calls, but that is what NiteFlirt Chat is for. You get to exchange a few messages see how you fit , see how you feel. From hypnosessions to confessional to pure roleplay, who knows you may be surprised at how light a...
266 views 3 likes
by on November 4, 2020
Reading someones profile is so important. I have had so many people on FetLife tell me lately that they have read my profile, but then not had a clue that I am financial dominatrix, or I am married or any other important things. It is all there children. Please do make an effort because if you don't, how on earth am I to take you seriously? I mean you are serious aren't you? Because I can't understand why you would even message me otherwise. I am a serious woman, being playful doesn't nega...
268 views 5 likes
by on November 3, 2020
They may be elusive, they may be cautious and they may be slow to warm up, but when they do.... you know you are in for something spectacular! The feti-shy as I call them can be hard to track down, hard to win the trust of and you may find them lurking on and off for a very long time, but when they do take the plunge and approach... it’s beautiful. They tend to only approach on their own when they are ready and when they are certain, which makes them sincere. If you treat these precious li...
276 views 5 likes
by on October 30, 2020
So you thought you would hang around a Dommes page for a while. You love her posts, her pictures, her style, her attitude. You don't want the pressure of approach you just want to watch her and feel part of her life right? I know I get you and do you know what? That is okay! Lurking is a very important part of our ritual, how on earth do I expect you to get a feel for me, understand me and start imagining fitting into my world, if you cant see it, get a feel for it, see what you could have...
306 views 7 likes
by on October 29, 2020
Just incase you hadn't noticed I am a Financial Dominatrix. Yes that title is thrown around very loosely these day in the form of 'instadomming'.  When I talk about financial Domination though, I am of course talking about that amazing space between two compatible kinksters where power exchange occurs.  I am not sticking my middle finger up, whilst shouting "Fuck you, pay me". I am sat on my throne, listening to you tell me why I could possibly want your servitude. Why I should accept your...
335 views 7 likes
by on October 28, 2020
How divine must it be to serve, to devote yourself utterly to such a phenomenal deity. Trusting her, letting her inside your mind. She crawls under every inch of your skin... pulses through every single vein....and claws at every single nerve and fibre. Beautiful, seductive, enticing. How could you resist? Better question why are you resisting? You think too much, thats why you are here. You don't want to think, you want someone to think for you, don't you? Then let me.... ....Let me do al...
254 views 2 likes
by on September 20, 2020
Oh Sweeties what did I tell you boring subs aren’t worth anyone’s time or any amount of money! When you step into a Dommes DM’s you need to understand you are here to entertain them! If you have anything other than that on your agenda why are you here? You are clearly not a submissive of any kind. So let's maybe just call you a charlatan! Lol   But on a serious note, remember to not let me deceive you. When you approach me, anything I do is a test. Every single thing so be on your guard. I...
295 views 6 likes
by on July 4, 2020
From My blog at Mistress Kiara's Dungeon Pick up the Slack! So as I’m sure you all know, things are still not great. Hell, things aren’t even “good” right now. The USA is going into a second COVID spike, this one even higher than the initial one. That means MANY have been furloughed, laid off, or just flat out fired. I bet lots of folks didn’t even make rent this month! ...
361 views 0 likes
by on June 7, 2020
Wow... Can you believe it's only been a month!? SO MUCH has happened! The moon is now in Sagittarius, and I am feeling that fiery energy! Black Lives Matter I would be remiss in My duties as a Leftist and honestly as a compassionate human being in general if I didn't address the current protests in the United States over the murder of George Floyd by the police. Anyone who follows Me on Twitter will know that I am 100% on the side of the protesters. No, I am not going to argue with you abo...
313 views 2 likes