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Cash Verified Slaves
by on March 10, 2017
well im here today to tell you a couple things. I havent really been on this site much cause im so busy with other webites. (And i have not found slaves on here, that are determined as i am. I wanted to take the time to write a few things. i have been getting alot of messages asking if i am fake, 1. i i am a bunch of verification proving i am real and also people are scared to tribute me because they think i will take the money and run.

little do they know so i am going to throw this out there is that im here for 2 things. one to be successful and two, to build myself an empire. how am i to have a fan base if im ripping people off? yes i want to be known throughout the findom community in a notorious way- but i didnt mean as posing as someone i am really not.

i am super passionate about the findom lifestyle and i am not trying to come off the wrong way. So i just wanted to make a blog about this. I want to become a top goddess and in order for that i need my fan base and i need to build up a postive empire before i turn into the "bad guy" but dont worry, im still not going to just take off and run away with your money. i promise.

ive come a long way to start at the bottom. Hope i didnt bore you too much reading this. but i also hope you all understand, or somewhat understand where i am coming from. oxox
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