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So I thought I would take minute and share some of my personal life...
I am in the process of divorcing and have had to rethink many things, rearrange many more, and cancel even more. I had big plans to apprentice with Domes from the site, local groups, etc over the summer and really learn my craft. I have slowing been coming into an awakening like no other. That of s strong confident woman who does not need a male counterpart to survive.
For many years I stayed in an unhappy marriage for the sake of other people. Through my exploration into Femdom, and then Findom i have learned its okay to put me first, do the things I enjoy, come and go as I please. Once I got a taste of that, I have been unable to go on living a lie. I want to be on my own, spread my wings, and do MY thing. I have found so much strength and support here in the people I have connected with. Domes and subs alike. My boy has been great at taking care of me, and not being needy as I navigate a difficult time. The dommes I connect with have been an amazing support, and even the communal boys I have connected with lookout for my well being. I feel blessed to have met and connected with so many awesome kinksters.
I am going to have to be careful about accepting money now though. I will be accepting Gift cards only until the divorce is final as I DO NOT WANT TO SHARE my tribs and gifts. Amazon is always good, I will need many items as we split households. there are other options such as my grocery delivery service, Lowes, etc. gifts of distraction are nice, I've gotten some wonderful ones recently. I look forward to moving past this, and becoming an even stronger, more independent woman, and kick ass Domme. Divorce advice welcome, its mostly amicable, but he's getting a little grabby, and of course I have more. If Im not around as much its because we are hammering out the details.
Thanks to all who have been there for me.
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