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Pauley playtoy-OwnedByPB
by on January 31, 2017
Mistress Pauley expects me to sacrifice for her gifts and tributes but not to spend so much that I feel compelled to leave. So for 2017, I came up with a budget for my vanilla life and all other moneys go toward her pleasure.

I used to live on my Social Security but added my small pension in 2014. So, I started by doing a 2017 budget based on what I lived on in 2013. Then, the small pension can go towards Mistress Pauley's gifts and tributes. Next, I reserved all of my IRA RMD for Mistress Pauley. I have to take it out anyway so it should go to please her. The bad news is it moves my income up so part of it is taxable. So I have to watch that so I do not waste money on taxes that could go to Mistress Pauley.

Thank you for letting me sacrifice for you, Mistress Pauley. Thank you for letting me go without so there is more for you, Mistress Pauley. Thank you for keeping my spending to the necessities so you may have more for your enjoyment, Mistress Pauley. Thank you for treating me as you wish, Mistress Pauley. Thank you, Mistress Pauley.

I am so grateful to be allowed to be your slave, Mistress Pauley. I enjoy expressing my need to serve you with gifts, tributes and the occasional bill payment, Mistress Pauley.

Thank you, Mistress Pauley.