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Cash Verified Slaves
by on December 4, 2016
One of my long serving boys told Me about this site and asked Me to join so I had some time the other day and thought why not. So here I am. New to the site but not new to the world. Although I am surprised daily with new knowledge and my experiences grow - one of the things I love about what I do.

I am aiming to spend more time at home relaxing as I am running around from dungeons to country to shops. I loved being involved in the online community a few years ago so am hoping to build on that.

One of my problems is that I hate turning down a real time session that is of interest to Me - I have a fear of loss in a way, what fun could I have had? Possible new experience? Potential new personal slave? Adventure??? It really does excite Me. With most of My sessions I get such an adrenaline rush. For some subs/clients/kinks/etc it is mainly sexual excitement but excitement has so many different forms - pleasure, mental, physical (to start with) - Mine is not sexual (most of the time), My husband gets to indulge in that with Me, but the mental excitement I get from a session that starts slow, builds throughout to an explosive ending and a very happy, smiley and grateful boy, well that mental excitement rushes through My body creating this boost to My body - no red bull can give you that feeling.

I am getting excited already and it is nearly bed time in the UK - early start tomorrow. Grocery shopping and then off to the salon for nail polish change and eye-lash top up. Yay :D I love being pampered.

So night night boys.... I hope to see you all soon.... In the mean time here is a BTS pic of Me and my filming antics the other day ;)

MC x