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Cash Verified Slaves
by on November 24, 2016
I thought I'd write a little blog about differentiation with regards to Hypnosis so that subs and slaves alike can be informed about what they're purchasing. When I started out producing Hypnosis many years ago, it was a tiny scene with a handful of Dommes who were/are really good at what they do. There were a mere handful of those who produced Hypnosis as a Gimmick, a roleplay scenario more than genuine Hypnosis if you will. The handful of us who produced genuine Hypnosis began to get noticed, mainly because you could go on to any clips site and see a whole plethora of Hypnosis files in the top sellers lists.

As we became more noticed and the niche became more popular, many of us, myself included, got offers from websites to produce content for them. Sadly, most of the websites who offered deals couldn't differentiate between a gimmick and the real deal. Here's where the difference lies - Those who produce Hypnosis as a gimmick will generally spend 10 minutes looking into the camera, making something up, throw a swirly spiral over the top of it, then classify it as Hypnosis, I on the other hand spend WEEKS writing a single Hypnosis, pouring over each word, ensuring the formations of language work, that triggers and anchors appear at the perfect time, matching imagery to triggers and then hours de-noising, editing and commissioning hypnotic music. I have used spirals in the past, but as triggers!

Though there's nothing wrong with the gimmick clips, it leaves the Dommes who produce genuine Hypnosis with a headache, sometimes worse. An example of this would be a recent live session I had with the head accountant of a well-known airline. He decided that, as it was the end of the day and his office was empty, he'd like a session from his office and had a thing for being bound. Sadly, this subject had only ever partaken in gimmick Hypnosis, he was expecting nipples, a pendulum, and a quick wank. What he got was frozen to his chair, unable to move, and that's how I left him at the end of the session. Cue frantic emails full of terror and a 'WHAT THE F@£K DID YOU DO?', once he was able to move of course. The other headaches we're left with include requests for gimmick Hypno, trying to explain to someone why tossing one off in a pair of panties as they listen is counter productive gets tiring.

So here's a simple rule to follow, ask yourself the following question and you'll be able to differentiate between gimmick and genuine in no time.

'Would a hypnotherapist do this?'

Naturally, this doesn't apply to the actual subject of the hypno, rather the material and what you're hearing! Hypnotherapists generally don't use pendulums, they don't get their tits out and they don't have a giant swirling nipple that floats around their office to get you into trance.
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