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Its been a moment since I have been steady in the chat room, So much is going on. Life has been busy. I wanted do take some time to point a few things out as I checked my in- box and saw a few messages from New Prospective Dommes.
While I respect those interested in being a FINDOM, I will give my humble OPINION, a FINDOM is not taught to be neither a FINDOM nor DOMME, it has to come natural. If we were all built the same , life would be BORING & this is FACT. I don't think Dominance is a practice that is learned and this is my humble Opinion-- its ok to disagree --- its my OPINION. I enjoy spending a man's money as much as I do lashing him & humiliating him- its FUN & Pleasurable for me. I get a Kick and a Thrill out delivering a lash, peg and a Wallet spree. I don't feel like I'm forcing myself to enjoy these things on the basis of MONEY.
I do feel that a Gent and a Slave that truly respects a Domme and a Lady knows her time is MONEY, its a APPRECIATION factor and TRUST - its just as Pleasurable for a Slave as it is for you ( the Domme) to spend it. Key ELEMENT are you a Domme & can you control a SESSION? Can you take charge and do as you choose and have him do as you WIsh and or Desire while having a good time. Fetish is particular as is Vanilla life. My personality is KINKY so Vanilla men tend to Bore me, no pun- just hardcore honesty.
Sissies, Subs , Slaves, I enjoy my time spent with them, its fun and the Norm to me. You cant just learn how to be a Domme- you can grow and develop into your full potential as a FINDOM if its in you & trust, SLAVES, SISSIES and SUBS know when its being faked & the response is they TEND TO RUN FROM YOU. Human nature defines we get in where we fit in- the hand cannot be forced. As a seasoned Domme , I am being again STRAIGHT - UP. We cant know it all and we don't allow it all nor practice it all. Example: this past weekend I had a Blast with a SUB from here.
The Sub I have chatted with for a long time- we built up a repertoire & a trust level. He tributed me me previous and Prior to our meet. We played and strayed as I do not own him and he enjoys being a SLUT. However , He is still human as I, thus while we had a blast and session-ed and he took a great lashing - in the end- just as in session , he acted as a true sub and a gent. Its known I would have it no- other way. I commend his instinct as he knows who the TRUE DOMMES are because he is a genuine submissive ho adores us as is.
He was such a good boi, I do not master the Ropes as Back Alley Collector does and he was actually so good- he tied his damn self up and when he got loose, he remained in position. Its the same principle for even in an online session- land apart a true sub will do as you wish- his thrill is in making you smile-- whether it be huge or tiny cackles . Trust I had loats of laughter with him- just as I have with my Subby Wubby aka Cassy and yes my owned bois... no need to go down the list.
Case in Point-- be who you are and enjoy the Rush--- if you cannot , then I hate to be the one to tell you ( well I really don't because there are shit-loads of ways to make MONEY) but Findom for you may not be one of them. This Blog was not written to offend -- its written in Pure honesty . Findom is a liestyle and if its for you Good Luck if not don't break your neck .
Best wishes ,
Goddess Nelani Westscott
While I respect those interested in being a FINDOM, I will give my humble OPINION, a FINDOM is not taught to be neither a FINDOM nor DOMME, it has to come natural. If we were all built the same , life would be BORING & this is FACT. I don't think Dominance is a practice that is learned and this is my humble Opinion-- its ok to disagree --- its my OPINION. I enjoy spending a man's money as much as I do lashing him & humiliating him- its FUN & Pleasurable for me. I get a Kick and a Thrill out delivering a lash, peg and a Wallet spree. I don't feel like I'm forcing myself to enjoy these things on the basis of MONEY.
I do feel that a Gent and a Slave that truly respects a Domme and a Lady knows her time is MONEY, its a APPRECIATION factor and TRUST - its just as Pleasurable for a Slave as it is for you ( the Domme) to spend it. Key ELEMENT are you a Domme & can you control a SESSION? Can you take charge and do as you choose and have him do as you WIsh and or Desire while having a good time. Fetish is particular as is Vanilla life. My personality is KINKY so Vanilla men tend to Bore me, no pun- just hardcore honesty.
Sissies, Subs , Slaves, I enjoy my time spent with them, its fun and the Norm to me. You cant just learn how to be a Domme- you can grow and develop into your full potential as a FINDOM if its in you & trust, SLAVES, SISSIES and SUBS know when its being faked & the response is they TEND TO RUN FROM YOU. Human nature defines we get in where we fit in- the hand cannot be forced. As a seasoned Domme , I am being again STRAIGHT - UP. We cant know it all and we don't allow it all nor practice it all. Example: this past weekend I had a Blast with a SUB from here.
The Sub I have chatted with for a long time- we built up a repertoire & a trust level. He tributed me me previous and Prior to our meet. We played and strayed as I do not own him and he enjoys being a SLUT. However , He is still human as I, thus while we had a blast and session-ed and he took a great lashing - in the end- just as in session , he acted as a true sub and a gent. Its known I would have it no- other way. I commend his instinct as he knows who the TRUE DOMMES are because he is a genuine submissive ho adores us as is.
He was such a good boi, I do not master the Ropes as Back Alley Collector does and he was actually so good- he tied his damn self up and when he got loose, he remained in position. Its the same principle for even in an online session- land apart a true sub will do as you wish- his thrill is in making you smile-- whether it be huge or tiny cackles . Trust I had loats of laughter with him- just as I have with my Subby Wubby aka Cassy and yes my owned bois... no need to go down the list.
Case in Point-- be who you are and enjoy the Rush--- if you cannot , then I hate to be the one to tell you ( well I really don't because there are shit-loads of ways to make MONEY) but Findom for you may not be one of them. This Blog was not written to offend -- its written in Pure honesty . Findom is a liestyle and if its for you Good Luck if not don't break your neck .
Best wishes ,
Goddess Nelani Westscott
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