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Cash Verified Slaves
Jezebel Sinclair
by on October 11, 2016

New ladies who want to start getting active in the scene - I would HIGHLY recommend iwantclips as one of your starting points for selling clips. The company itself is pretty awesome, cares about sex workers AND bans discrimination from their website by completely eliminating the Racial Humiliation category - which was a great move in the eyes of most minority groups active on the site - me included.

That being said, if you’re new (or if you don’t have an iwc store yet) I advise you get one and while you’re at it, that you use my referral link to sign up. As soon as you upload 5 clips to your new store, I get a bonus on my iwc payout! It’s super simple and super easy. Additionally, I will be giving any interested new ladies who sign up and complete the 5 clip requirements with my referral link a free 15 minute Financial Domination consultation to help you decide which direction to take in the world of Findom. This is usually a paid service available only to ladies who are a part of my Findom University.

That being said, if you want to get started on iwc using my referral, click HERE!">
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