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Goddess Blaize
by on September 10, 2016
You asked a while back what it felt like when I do my thing. (The slow burn) I'm a pretty impatient person so first off it isn't easy lol. But I see it like a man would see hunting I guess. I chat with everyone, I'm quite social, surveying the prey field so to speak. Then a sub will catch my eye, I'll see we have something in common, he may be physically attractive to me, he may have made just a flutter of a movement to catch my attention, like a weak little bird. Something about him trips my trigger, and I'm off, stalking, watching, waiting.
So I'll offer a chat, if he takes me up on it great, we chat, unassuming, no demands of trib, just seeing if anything is there. Asking questions, and chatting I note things that turn him on, pics he's liked, anything I see him show pleasure, or express weakness about I take note.
Once I know those things I start tickling the buttons with pics and conversations. If a sub is feeling like tribbing I welcome it, but never demand. I do love my tribs organic and from the heart. Not much of an online session girl unless it's someone Ive been interacting with for awhile. As a sexductress I need to know them, what trips their trigger, makes them weak, and ready for me to pounce.
When I see a boy start raising in my lurker ranks on FD I get a lil rush, (an inner squeal if you will) and a big outward grin. And I continue doing what I call playing with your buttons, looking for your PIN. When I crack that code, and find it, rewards are mine!! Willing tributes, tribbed above others deemed (hotter) than myself. The feelings you asked? Are great satisfaction, joy, and yes it does give the lady bits a tingle. Because it's on the person I am as a whole, not how I look, the session I offer, or the bitchyness I put out there, but the entire package. It is me that person sees fit to worship and tribute, because I have triggered a need within them, and that is power, raw and sexy.
It gives me a special thrill because I am not the "norm" for a sexy Domme, but I sure as hell am sexy as fuck. If you get to know me, all of me, you can't help but become addicted. It's a fact. I have had many so called alphas on their knees crying, and begging me not to leave, when their shit got old, and I pulled up and headed out.
So all that to say I liken it to the feeling of hitting a home run, a bit of a swell up inside, of happiness, and pride? Maybe? Tough to put it into words.
Thanks though for making me take a look within..