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Cash Verified Slaves
by on September 8, 2016
I have a successful business, ironically, in accounts. I specialise in a particular FUN industry and adore my vanilla career. I own a large home in the country and I travel the world. I have no kids and no desire for children. I am far too self indulgent with my time and my resources to truly give children what they need.
I sleep in to what ever time I desire and stay up as late as I want.
If I want to indulge in a glass of wine at 3pm I can and do!
No one tells me what to do and when to do it. Not in my career and not in my personal life.
Some day I will have my slave move in and be completely and utterly under my control.
I will have my every desire satisfied on every level.
I will completely control every penny piggy has and become even more self indulgent.
I was born to live this way and some slave will earn the ultimate honour of being fully taken control of.

Some day.....
It could be you!