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When I see Dommes bashing certain taboo fetishes I face palm a little, especially when they themselves are actively par-taking in taboo activities(Blackmail). We are part of a world that is meant to be open minded, mostly fantasy.. None of us here actually hate any group of people.. We use words to play with our slaves.. So when I see remarks about how someone into racial humiliation must automatically be a racist, you just look silly IMO. You're completely blowing off the fact that there are people who enjoy it & consent to that kind of play. It might look horrible to any vanilla person observing our world from the outside, but you should know better. What a person is into (as long as its NOT legitimately hurting anyone) shouldn't really matter to you. If you are too easily offended by what floats another persons boat, then you are probably not fit for this scene.
If you get physically rough with your slave does it automatically mean that you are abusive?
Playful fag-shaming, if you do this does it automatically mean you hate gay people?
Religious humiliation, something I take part in a lot coming from a muslim background with many muslim slaves & fans.. Does this automatically make me a bigot?? =P
Blackmail is a particularly taboo subject here. For legal reasons this site avoids it all together.. Even if a slave is consenting to this sort of play you are still walking a pretty thin line between fantasy & being a legitimate felon.
So before you go pointing your fingers declaring who is what.. Perhaps you should take a moment to look at yourself.
/End rant
If you get physically rough with your slave does it automatically mean that you are abusive?
Playful fag-shaming, if you do this does it automatically mean you hate gay people?
Religious humiliation, something I take part in a lot coming from a muslim background with many muslim slaves & fans.. Does this automatically make me a bigot?? =P
Blackmail is a particularly taboo subject here. For legal reasons this site avoids it all together.. Even if a slave is consenting to this sort of play you are still walking a pretty thin line between fantasy & being a legitimate felon.
So before you go pointing your fingers declaring who is what.. Perhaps you should take a moment to look at yourself.
/End rant
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