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Cash Verified Slaves
by on July 25, 2016
I get a LOT of requests for blackmail from subs and I always find it to be a sketchy area of findom.

Consensual online blackmail for me always includes a safe word. I feel there is a line that should never be crossed, and I feel more comfortable knowing that I will be told if I reach this line. Most of my subs have appreciated this sentiment, and I have never had a sub safe word me yet.

For me, blackmail is a fantasy and therefore I will always make empty threats. I would never ruin a subs relationship with his better half, put children through the trauma of daddy having to move out or lose a man the job he needs to feed his kids. I am better than that.

I want my subs to feel completely comfortable that when they are indulging in this fantasy that they do not have to worry about life after the fun has ended.

Recently I had a person approach me who claimed he wanted me to blackmail him. This guy was a grade A time waster and quickly admitted he had no money to indulge in the fantasy. After telling him to get lost, he again approached me and gave me some revolting pictures and the details for an ex partner which was the information he wanted me to blackmail him with.

So this guy, who has already admitted he is broke, is just handing out this poor ladies details so that he can be blackmailed... Am I missing something?! Did this guy just get off on the fact that he was 100% going to be outed to his ex?

I felt it my duty to inform this lady of what this complete ogre was doing. Perhaps you may disagree that this was the right path to take, but let me tell you my thought process:

This idiot was not only hassling me to blackmail him, but also other dommes also. How long would it be before one of these ladies got so sick of him that a public display was made to show the world what he was doing? Did the innocent lady in this need to be included in a public display? Would she be happy to be dragged into it completely unaware of her details being passed about? I felt that a quiet word with her would be more respectful.

Luckily this lady was very understanding about me telling her what was happening. She was very angry about it all, but she did not direct this at me (which was my initial worry).

All in all I do not regret making this poor lady aware of this idiots actions. If it was myself I would like to know if my details were being circulated by some vulgar ex partner. It is now up to her how she would like to proceed. I'm hoping that he learns a valuable lesson by the end of it though.