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Cash Verified Slaves
by on November 22, 2024

Respect and consent are the foundation of any interaction or communication. If a woman says no, it means just that - no. It is important to take her words at face value and not try to push or persuade her otherwise. Failing to respect her decision can lead to a problematic situation and signifies a lack of understanding and respect for personal boundaries. It is essential to value the choices and decisions of others in the same way we expect our decisions to be valued and respected. Misunderstanding or ignoring a 'no' can lead to harmful consequences for all parties involved. Remember, communication is not just about speaking, but also about listening and understanding. So do not be surprised if play and communication halt for a time or completely altogether when I say no and you choose to ignore it.

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In my opinion, those who ignore personal boundaries don't do so from a lack of understanding, they understand them, but they just don't respect them. I don't think you can change them, because they just don't care.
Like December 6, 2024