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Cash Verified Slaves
by on July 2, 2024

The member that has been causing trouble and using my name to do so has been banned. If he comes back please message me! Im am NOT affiliated with this person. Nor do we have a personal relationship. He donated to the site and was banned several times and was relentless in getting back on among other things. It was actually very scary

For clarification - Ive already explained the reasons why I sold the site, I couldnt take care of it as it should of been and it was a money pit for years. So it wasnt fair to keep running it. I had figured new changes would happen sooner but we have had some hiccups in changing servers etc. I can assure you the site has not been abandoned. 

I understand many feel a certain way because shit hasnt happend quickly. It will happen!! I can understand specualtion in the absence of any news from myself or the new owner. 

 The site was slowing down way before I sold it,  If anything the fact that I couldnt give it the attention it needed was what made it slowly die. Twitter and the change to a new script is when it all started. I took a $3000 loss because of that upgrade and ended up back on the same plaform!

Thats besides the point though, there are many things to take place and I am still working to make sure the site moves along. Ive kept my server open and Ive allowed my chat license to remain, so yea I didnt just pull the plug. Im still contributuing till it all gets working. 

This site was my baby so Ill make sure it moves on fine. We have a LOT of great members and things will happen. Lets just move on and if you see this sub again please message me


Thanks =)






11 people like this.
He was a rude, ass to me, so I already cut him off.
Like July 3, 2024
Miss North
I had figured there was more to the story and he was just some bizarre person hanging onto your name. I couldn’t imagine any Domme owning a sub that was so disrespectful to other women.
Like July 3, 2024
👏🏾 Just glad to have you back Femme 🫶🏾🥹😅💋😌
Like July 3, 2024
👑Empress Demonia
Sorry you had to deal with a dipishit of a person like that. I haven’t been around to know much but you’re always appreciated
Like July 11, 2024
👑Empress Demonia it’s no big deal, life is very good. Things will definitely be happening around here and there will be some changes, thanks Hope everything is good with you….
Like July 11, 2024 Edited