Lifetime Member
Cam Verified Domme
Cam Verified Domme
Cam Verified Domme
Lifetime Member
So this will be my last blog regarding the transfer of RoyalDoms! It is VERY bittersweet as Im so happy with the new owner but also very emotional to give up my baby. I am really touched by all the private messages I have recieved from Dommes sharing their story of this site and how they got their start here.
Whats MORE Awesome is the new owner also started here over a decade ago and is the main reason why this site will continue. Truth of it is if I didnt find the right owner I was going to shut the site down. So this basically saved RoyalDoms.
So over the next week or two we will be slowly transitioning things as smooth as possible. Ill will remain here to help. I wont be giving ANY input on anything other than tech stuff. She will run the site how she feels it should be run. It will definitely remain a drama free safe community. Not twitter, lol.
I will be on this account from now on. The new owner should be making an announcement when she is ready. There is no rush.
Thank you to everyone who supported the site. Espescially the staff we have had over the years and MAINLY, MissBackAlley who has worked tirelessly to make the community a safe place.
Thank you again!!!