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Cash Verified Slaves
by on April 30, 2023

A need, want, and desire, made you take the time to seek out a site for other like-minded people in the lifestyle, the effort to fill out the info to sign up, and for some, the extra step of getting verified. You did all that, why? Just to lurk and never engage?

You spend day after day, browsing through the profiles of many Goddesses, yet never approach, even when a Goddess has approached you. Unless your fetish is actually looking at beautiful, powerful, Goddesses, but never engaging, why have you not properly approached, or answered, a Goddess's message?  

I know there is always a little fear when approaching a Goddess, that's natural. Approaching a superior should make your heart race and your knees weak, but it's also what triggers your submissiveness. You joined the site just for this very reason. You hoped to find a superior Goddess who understood the need, the craving, the desire you have, to live as you really are. To escape the vanilla life you lead with most, and find someone who understands you, and what you really need and desire. Yet, day after day, all you do is look, but never actually reach out.

Every day you are out there living your vanilla life, thinking about this site and anxiously awaiting to be able to log in. You feel a rush through your body, and instant weakness, when the site finally comes up. You look at pics of beautiful Goddesses, visit their profiles and read their words, but then, the fear takes over and you never engage. 

To these boys I say "Lurk or live, you have a choice" Start engaging and live the life that you so desire, or keep lurking and only dream about it. Unless you are owned, start answering back those messages that have been sent to you, that is the first step. You will never know if a Goddess is right for you if you don't engage with her. Who knows, she could be the one to change your life forever.

To the many lurkers on my page, answer the messages that have been sent or approach Goddess, you have my permission. Take that step and I promise, if I accept you as mine, your life will be given a purpose, and you will be able to live that life you so need and desire. You have a choice, continue to lurk and just dream about living the life you want, or actually approach and I will give you dreams you cannot even imagine. 

Unless you are an absolute fraud or time waster, today is the day to finally reach out and approach. Take that step, Lurk, or live.