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Cash Verified Slaves
by on November 27, 2022

According to Wikipedia, "In this fetish lifestyle, in particular a practice of dominance and submission, a submissive (cash piggyfinsubhuman ATMmoney slave or paypig) gives gifts and money to a financial dominant (findomme/findomGoddessmoney dommemoney mistress or cashmaster)". But it seems that lately, many paypigs have a different definition of what the Findom lifestyle is. They are practicing a totally different type of fetish lifestyle, the lifestyle of taking up the time of their Goddess, money domme, money mistress, or cashmaster, with no gifts or money, ever sent. They have no problem getting the attention they so crave from their Domme or Master, but when it is time to tribute or drain,they claim that they cannot give, or just disappear completely. They practice the fetish of seek and hide, they seek, and then they hide, when it's time to pay the piper. They practice the fetish of "time-wasting". They can no longer be called paypigs, they are now known as pilferpigs. (Pilfer - ": to steal stealthily in small amounts and often again and again.") 

It amazes me how many pigs seem to be surprised when the talk of tribute or drain comes up. This site clearly states why it was made, and what it is for. It is a FINDOM site, a site for Doms and paypigs to come together and practice the findom lifestyle. The site is not called "", but it appears that some have read it as such. There are many sites out there for pigs who do not want to ever drain or tribute, but still want to be owned, a Google search will provide those for you. No, I don't feel bad when I bring up the subject of money, if you are on this site, it should absolutely be expected. As a Goddess, I take my time and give it to you, as a paypig, you then take your wallet, and give it to me. That's how this is supposed to work. I am a true Goddess, I give you my time, and attention and  I make you feel owned, I give you a purpose in life. I take care of you, you take care of me, that is how it's supposed to work. This lifestyle is an addiction that we both share, a paypig desires to help out a Goddess, to feel as if he doesn't deserve to have the things he does, and he is addicted to doing so. As a Goddess, I am addicted to power and control, and when I have the power to control your wallet, it feeds my addiction. This type of lifestyle is designed so both parties get what they need, but some do not understand this. 

I know there are several other Goddesses that have also experienced this, and I realize it comes with the territory, but seriously, are there any real paypigs left out there?  (I have actually come across a few on here), if so, please step forward. If you are a pilferpig, please take your snout elsewhere, a true Goddess, deserves true paypigs. 

6 people like this.
I never knew this term before - it certainly makes sense!
Like November 28, 2022
i made it up. It sure is fitting.
Like November 28, 2022
I could not agree with you anymore
Like November 28, 2022