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Cash Verified Slaves
by on October 18, 2022

Subs are not like pokemon cards. You dont have to race to catch them all. Just having subs dont really mean squat if they arent of any caliber.There is such a thing as quality over quantity, and I truly believe in it. Oh, I have xxxx amount of subs that claim me as their ruler. Great, and how many of them actually live up to their end of the agreement? I would wager that at least half of all sudden ownership ends in dismissal on either side. And collecting unverified subs is just as bad. Like, what is their worth? They are just taking up space like a blank placeholder that an ordinary good sub could be occupying. But since people tend to equate having alot of something with being successful the practice will always continue.

You want to follow me, great.I am rather fabulous. But I am not one of those that will add you to make more friends. I collect subs in my friends list in this manner because from a business standpoint it just makes more sense when I  post to reach more people that may decide on any given day that I am the goddess for them. It will be at that pont that they will start their journey to true ownership. Being owned doesnt happen in one day. It doesnt even happen in one interaction, unless you are a fan of velcro collars. And it shouldnt be this way,in my opinion. You need to earn that "collar". You need to earn your service to her. She needs to make you prove yourself worthy of being labeled her property.
Slaves are not like dots on a little screen and you arent a large yellow creature gobbling them all up to add to your point total. Well that is, unless you are...?
Slow down and take the time it takes to form reasonable and reliable connections or you will forever be disappointed and blaming boys for being timewasters when it was you who wasted your own time.