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Cash Verified Slaves
the silent member
by on October 4, 2022

i recently had to fill in a medical form and to my astonishment was faced with seven options when i reachef the question of my gender.Several of them i have never even heard of. And i wonder where all this is going to end up. Especially when you consider the possibilities for persecution in the more traditional cultures just as homosexuals were persecuted not all that long ago. 

One might wonder from a purely biological perspective how you can have more than two genders. And in fact if you take a closer look several of these categories aren't really genders,but lifestyle choices. For example Intersex which i am assuming is the new term for bisexual.  Well let's face it. As bi means two or both then with the current line up of options bisexual had to go. 

Then there's non-conforming, again a lifestyle choice,not a gender. Now what the hell is that. Give it time and a Female and male in a monogamous relationship  could be the minority. So how far do you have to go now to non conform. When i was serving as a real time slave committed to Ownership my gender was identified as eunuch. Not literally of course it simply meant i didn't have sex. Again not a gender, a lifestyle choice. Although granted it wasn't my choice. Then there's personal. Again i think a lifestyle choice not a gender. But i kind of like this one the most. Basically it's saying mind your own f_____g business. How i live my life is my own business. 

And with all of these different categories surely it's time for the D/s lifestyle to have more recognition and acceptance. We might even reach the stage that formal recognition is realized in public. And then who knows. Public legally sanctioned ceremonies declaring Ownership. Being able to legally bequeath a slave to someone in Your will. Even public slave auctions. Although it might set civil rights back a century or two.

Now i sincerely hope i haven't offended anyone with this post. i suppose a major point here is given the subject matter it'd be very difficult not to. One final random thought. Just how are all the births,deaths and marriage beareaus coping with all of this?


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I find it interesting that people who do the least amount of research or self-education are the loudest opinions around.
Like October 5, 2022
...but to answer your question? No.
Like October 5, 2022
the silent member
Well if you read the blog more carefully i wasn't expressing opinions i was asking questions. You can tell the difference, yes? To the best of my knowledge i did not disrespect any gender classification. In fact the only firm opinion expressed by my blog was that what you choose to be and how you ch... View more
Like October 5, 2022
Homosexuality is still punishable by death in 13 countries, and as of 2019 70 countries still found same sex relations a criminal offense. I know it's beating a dead horse at this point to mention intersex meaning having both male and female genitalia/chromosomes/etc , but I do thi... View more
Like October 5, 2022
the silent member
Thank You Mistress Meaghan. Those statistics are actually quite terrifying. It doesn't seem all that long ago the Australian media was very focused on the anti gay legislation in our southern island state Tasmania. ... View more
Like October 5, 2022