Cam Verified Domme
Cam Verified Domme
Royal Domme
Cam Verified Domme
He didn't leave me waiting.
As soon as 4pm showed up on my Chanel, he was knocking on the door.
"Come in", he heard.
With a face incapable of hiding the smooth blend of shame and excitement, he enters the room, of the Sheraton.
"Where are you looking at, doggo?!?!"
Now, it became real.
After 3 months of exchanging messages, and endless tributes, the dog got to meet his Owner. And what an experience that was. The first time he was coming across someone who could control you that way. Living in an empty marriage, there was something missing. Being a powerful man, having control over his universe, there was a sense of emptiness. A sense that, to the full extent, that was not him. From a young age, he knew he loved to serve. He just couldn't understand where those cravings for being humiliated were coming from.
And then, I show up,
In his life, like a thunderstorm. He would wait hours on end just for me to end my dates. Asking if all went well. If I had fun. If he could provide me with something for my comfort and amusement. By discovering what "serving" a powerful, beautiful woman, he got to understand that there was a place for him. That there was something to wake up for, more than just achievements and goals. More than just taking the kids to school or, yet again, having pointless, vanilla sex with his beloved wife. Now, he had something that made him wish to thrive. To have more and more, so he could funnel it to someone more worthy.
And that someone, is me.
"Sorry Miss, I..."
Quiet! Who are you, to think you can simply address me, just like that?! We are not cut from the same cloth, we don't breathe the same air. Kneel. And proceed to crawl to my feet.
And so he did.
For the next 3 hours, there was only one reality he was living in. No more of that bittersweet duality of having to cope with two separate worlds but now, finally, it was just me and him.
That day, this doggo got to learn what being a good boy means.
His train will proceed. For as long as he knows to fulfill his role to the full extent. Through submission.
And money.