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Goddess Blaize
by on June 19, 2016
Today Im writing about mistakes and apologies. I know your dreading the over share, but too bad here it comes. lol :) Iv been very open about my recent ownership and how happy I was, then some things happened and I dismissed him. I was angry, jealous, and not feeling confident in myself. Instead of going to my sub and letting him know how he displeased me, and what he can do to fix it, and learn not to do it again, I flipped tits, and dismissed him, and I did it in a shitty way. I completely blindsided him.
I got a lot of support from other Domes about my decision, and so much amazing advice. You all know who you are. I also got some great advice from a sub friend here. He asked me why i dismissed him and pushed him away, when I should have been pulling him in, and teaching him how to please me. After all things are still in the new stages. I thought about this a lot, and realized he was so right. I realized I made a mistake, how can a sub develop trust if I cut him loose the first time he upsets me.
now... I am aware of his rep, but I know a different boy, everyone is different when they are with someone who knows them, and calms them. Initially I did the Domme thing to do, blocked him, ignored him etc. (side note) I'm not responsible for whatever shenanigans he was up to while not under my supervision. I love a challenge, quirky dudes become amazing projects, and great friends. Then yesterday something happened where I wound up explaining to another Domme that I wasn't out to hurt him because he was being himself, I was not trusting my instincts, let my confidence waver, cut him loose and he suffered for it. So after that message I did what I need to do, I messaged him and said "I'm sorry I fucked up, I can do better." not in as cool of words as that, but, that was the sentiment. we talked until I had to leave for work. Things feel right again, so we are off to a wobbly second start, cross your fingers, & send good vibes. Hopefully we've learned some and things will better for it.

Okay Im tired and out of ramblings, off to bed, then back to work . Happy Sunday all.