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Cash Verified Slaves
by on April 27, 2021

I've seen a lot of posts recently (not just on here, but one on here flagged this into my brain) about being worthless as a submissive.

Now don't get me wrong, I recognise that women, and in particular the fabulous women on this site are superior to myself, but does that mean that as a submissive I'm worthless?  My opinion is that if I am worthless, then what good am I to a Domme, and what does my submission really offer?  I know I'm not worthy of being a sexual partner to any woman, which is why I am perpetually locked in my tiny chastity device, and I don't see myself as an equal, but does that mean I have no worth?

I regularly see all subs referred to as losers, I don't feel like a loser, I recognise my place and try hard to be the best submissive I can be, better myself and better the life of any Domme I serve.  If I enter into a longer term arrangement I feel lucky to be in that Domme's life, in however small way.  This isn't to say that I don't appreciate humiliation, I do, but in a targetted way, when it is recognised that I have chosen to submit to that person and they are using that power over me.  I'm interested to know how others feel as for me this is one of the most off putting aspects of FinDom and wider FemDom.  

Topics: #submission
6 people like this.
I believe that most of those that spout loser and worthless, theyre all just parroting what other people who dont know what theyre doing, are doing. You are correct, that an inferior should bring some worth to the table, while in service to a Domme. It is lovely to see a submissive, and not a custom... View more
Like April 29, 2021
Thank you for your comments Miss and thank you for the tip!
Like April 29, 2021
As someone who jumps pretty hard into 'loser play' with those I enjoy that with--on MY terms only because, IME, those who approach with performative self-deprecation have 'real loser' tendencies--it's certainly not for everyone, and every slave shouldn't be approached as though they're into/acceptin... View more
Like April 29, 2021 Edited
i am a worthless loser not fit to be treated like a real man
Like April 29, 2021
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Haha THIS is your feedback?. I'm shocked, surely 1f61b.png
Like April 29, 2021
Very well said
Like May 4, 2021
Thank you Goddess Angel.
Like May 4, 2021