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Goddess Bella Donna
by on June 13, 2016
I love Trees, nature in general really, and for me personally it can be a bit of a chore at times living a virtual life as I call it. I am not a big lover of Social Media (or Social Diddleya as I call it) and I know it shows. I have this thing about human interactions, forming bonds, actually trying to get to know the people I interact with on a level that is often forgotten about in this virtual world we live in.

Another thing I have always had a problem with is "marketing" myself, which is hilarious because I can do it for just about everyone else, but when I have to sit there and try to toot My own horn it feels awkward to Me. It's not a lack of confidence in myself in any way either. I am more then aware of my strength, weaknesses, adeptness, wisdom and skills, and I embrace the good, the bad and the ugly about me. It's more, I suppose that I have a problem with bragging about myself. That's what it feels like when I write long drawn out marketing texts about how fabulous I am and how I am so worthy of being served, spoiled, adored ... add anything you like here.

I grew up always hearing and believing that someone who truly is good at what they do, doesn't have to do this, because others will do it for them. Those who pay attention and are seeking a particular type of person, will be able to pick up in conversation or by reading if you are someone they want to interact with and seems like they have their stuff together.

I enjoy debates but not arguments. I enjoy sharing ideas but I am not foolish enough to give all my creativity to others for free either. I enjoy conversations but I have a low tolerance for fluff. Ignorance to me is not bliss but something that needs to be fixed if you want to not only survive but thrive.

To me friendships are meaningful and relationships are not something you claim but put no effort into. I am not a trophy collector or friends collector. The majority of people who call them-selves friends to me will never be more then acquaintances to me and probably only there for a season.

Words are something that I take serious because I do have a magical believe and in anything magick, magic, paranormal, other worldly, spirit realm etc. pic one words hold meaning and power. Words thoughtlessly spoken can and will have ill effect eventually. We speak things into existence, give it power, and we often bring about it's demise as well by what we say and think.

I take no enjoyment in lies, being lied to, or phony niceties which aren't meant. I do stand on professionalism and professional courtesies between the Ladies simply because that is a necessity in order to assure the community can stay strong and the males who visit here can have a measure of enjoyment and safety. We are all here for one main reason and that one main reason we all share is to enjoy our stay here. After that we come at it from different directions, with different agendas, different view points, different styles and I can go on until you fall over from boredom.

I consider myself a feminine self-supremacist rather than a full on female-supremacist, which is a really strange way of putting it for many. The thing is that I do believe that women have great potential of being a superior gender over all since a lot of what is wired into our DNA and is handed down through the Generations (or should have been) in ancestral wisdom and knowledge certainly makes us wiser and more adaptive leaders. That's it so... POTENTIAL ... which I see all too frequently not reached by all to many to flat out claim female supremacy in a full own as a fact. WE ARE NOT THERE YET and we may never will be. However I see enough women who can make that claim for themselves and live up to it so in my eyes they are more feminine self-supremacists since they have reached that status and are still evolving within it. Myself included.

I could call myself an evolutionist as well since I am constantly evolving, bettering myself and attempt to the best of my personal ability to remain open minded enough to at least take a closer look at how things develop around me. Once that is done I run it through my own filters, against my own standards, past my own integrity and of course mash it up against my Bullshit meters. If it seems to be ok in large part with Me all in all, I will assimilate as much of it as I find of value to me into me.

I don't believe that everything should be tolerated just because we scream for tolerance in this world. Some things shouldn't be tolerated flat and simple. To me there is also a big difference between "accepting something" and "tolerating" it.

I am a pretty complex human being like most and I spend a lot of time getting to know myself and have done so for many many years now. We change as we grow older and we see things differently as we gain life experiences. Things that might not have made any sense when I was in my 20's, now at 46 make perfect sense since I learned many things along the way. Suffered losses, had gains, overcame obstacles etc.

I am one of those who are not afraid of being transparent and that scares a lot of people. I wouldn't suggest it to everyone either, because a lot of you have vanilla lifes in which you can't do that in. I made a choice at the very beginning of my journey back in 1992 to be out and open about who and what I am. All those who know me in real life know what it is I do and if they don't like it then they aren't part of my life. I refuse to hide what I am, it's a big part of me. I am huge advocate of being true to yourself first and foremost. I believe in loving yourself without being narcissistic about it. I am always a lot harder and harsher with myself than others, because I KNOW my abilities.

I know I should tell you that I am THE BEST, but there is no such thing as THE BEST period. It doesn't exist. We can be one of the best in some areas but never THE BEST in all things. That is not just arrogant but beyond foolish. To claim that shows just how small and ignorant someone truly is.

I take feedback from submissive boys, but I will put my Sledgehammer down on you faster than you can say your name if you come at Me with rudeness. I remind everyone daily that WE ARE ALL REPLACEABLE and guess what the includes Me. So it is never a good idea to get too full of ones self to the point that we become so unbending and unlivable with that instead of being a joy and pleasure to be around we become a horror.

I can be cruel, but oh what sweet cruelty it is. I am a Teacher Personality, but I also know that throwing pearls before swine is a foolish thing to do. I can usually tell really quickly who just wants everything handed to them for free and who actually wants to learn. I don't hand out fish, I may help you learn how to fish. MAYBE, if I see potential in you, and if I don't I will be cordial but you aren't getting anything from me.

I dislike rudeness of any kind and I am of the firm believe that in a Community where the males are supposedly submissive being greeted by them in open chat even if they are not interested in you, is a given courtesy. Apparently however I am the only one who thinks so. I still believe that your behavior as males if you are UC or Owned reflects back on the Lady who is above you. So when you act out and talk a lot of smack it doesn't bring your Lady any honor. It's not my place to correct you, nor that of any other Lady when that happens, but just remember that doesn't mean your LADY will not hear about it and you may (or should) pay the consequences for it.

Ok that was a lot again, and there will be more. I already know that it will be mostly ladies reading this, we seem to have the higher interest in getting to know one another, but I do hope that in due time a few boys who are seeking a Lady like myself will take notice and just maybe find the courage to approach Me the right way.

Goddess Bella Donna