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Cash Verified Slaves
by on July 7, 2020

Owned by: Goddess CopperLotus

Having read my friend Humbled’s blog “Jealousy, tributing and my submissive mindset” (which
is very good) and with the prodding of Goddess, here are some thoughts I would like to share
on tributing and giving up control.

The idea of giving one’s hard earned money and giving up control to someone takes some
conditioning and getting used to. When I entered the fetish world, I was into bondage,
submission and humiliation, but not findom. Something to keep in mind when a newbie is a tad
reluctant to turn over their cash as they may still be trying to figure out which direction, he/she
wants to go in. Communication is key here, see what each party is interested in and once that
has been established and the rules set, go for it. Just like a date, things need to progress at
their own pace, rushing things by either party will cause the other to say “later” and move on.
Don’t ask for too much, too soon (nor should too much be offered in the beginning either); the
thrill of the game is half the fun, seeing a sub slip under Your control and unconsciously giving
more of them little by little has to be so much more rewarding than, getting it all at once
without much to look forward to. I know it was such a turn on for me, realizing how much
control I had handed over to Goddess over the course of time. Notice I said handed over, I
made the conscious decision to do this, sometimes I was asked and complied, others I offered
without prompting. It all flowed naturally, wasn’t faked and felt like the right thing to do at that

It wasn’t until I started serving Goddess that this kink grew into something so deep and much
more than I could ever imagine. At first it was access to my PayPal, then a credit card where
She was the only one using it while I of course paid the bill. Next, the rest of my cards went to
Her, while I had to ask permission to use them. Footnote (your actual mileage may vary), this
has taken years to develop and shouldn’t be undertaken lightly, it comes with much trust and
understanding (there are those words again, trust and understanding). I cannot stress this
enough, only engage in this sort of dynamic with someone You would trust with Your life,
because in a sense, that is what You are doing.

As a Domme, You need to be responsible enough to know when enough is enough and that real
emotions and people are on the other end of Your messages. Subs will offer anything and
everything without thinking to try and prove they are the one, but someone needs to be the
responsible adult in this relationship.

I am at the point with Goddess, where she uses Skype and Splashtop (less annoying than Team
Viewer) on my machine daily. She can take over my computer when She wants and has the
cam on me constantly. It is such a high knowing I am on constant display, only having the
freedom that She allows me to have. To show Her control over me, Goddess will take over my
mouse, open a browser session and start shopping, while I sit helpless to stop Her, not that I
would mind You, but it doesn’t get much better than that.

Just wanted to know what folks thought. Is it better to give or to have taken from you? 

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Very well written, and exactly what I wanted to know.
Like July 9, 2020
To each its own, but I prefer a sub to give vs me taking it. Its a high for me to know that a sub wants to do it, because the latter makes "ME" feel like i'm forcing you. Everyone had their own rhyme and reason though.
Like July 28, 2020