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Cash Verified Slaves
by on April 1, 2020

Let me explain something really clearly. There are two people in this world.

1- Hand me everything.

2- Hard workers.

Hard workers will take the time to read my profile, read my blocks, search my name and even take a bit of time reading my website. Only then will they come to me willing to pay for my help. These I will take time out of my day and help.

The hand me everything people have no problem sending a message a mile long with some sob story about what they can’t do hoping you’ll give them anything scarp of information for free. These I will block after I have explain how much I won’t be helping. Don’t be this person.

This isn’t school life. We don’t all get trophies for showing up. If you want something in real life you actually have to work for it.

Topics: findom 101
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oddly enough the subs arent the only ones like this, there are plenty of dommes out there too that fit this bill.
Like April 1, 2020
This one was written after a domme messaged me asking for me to have a session with her where I would “do all the work” and she would get paid. I chewed her a new one. This goes for both subs and dominants though.
Like April 1, 2020
Sadly at the moment that is the only picture I could add.
Like April 3, 2020