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Cash Verified Slaves
by on October 8, 2019

Owned by Goddess Copperlotus

In February it will be five years that I have submitted to serve my Goddess. In that time, I have
evolved from a sub looking to be dominated by a powerful woman, to a slave who has devoted
all he can so that my Goddess can live a more comfortable and enjoyable life.
Our relationship has grown from casual submission to one where She now has access to and
control of all my credit cards, they are Hers and I occasionally get to use them.

We Skype whenever possible and have started to use Team Viewer on a regular basis so that
everything I do on the computer can be monitored. Now this may not be everyone’s cup of tea,
but it works for us after years of getting to know one another.
I crave the attention of my Goddess and look forward to Her messages from the time W/we
wake until W/we go to bed. Her attention is like a drug, the more I get, the more I need.

At first, I turned over access to PayPal with just a credit card, which She would make me beg for
the privilege to tribute Her with. The amounts were small, but still significant enough that it
made me beg to do it more often. Over time, more cards were added and Goddess would take
a certain amount each month for Her wants. Seeing the email notifications would be arousing
as all hell and make me beg for Her to do it more often.

Over time, W/we have added chastity to my life and I am currently wearing a pink cage on Her
cocklet on a more regular basis. The cage reminds me daily that I am nothing more than Her
property and that She controls not only my money but my mind and body as well.
We share O/our vanilla lives as well, from family passings, to our children, we share it all, the
good and the bad, the happy and sad.

I cannot imagine my life without Goddess and know that there is much more to come in O/our
relationship. I love Her deeply and unconditionally and wouldn’t trade places with anyone.

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We've shared highs and we've shared lows. This female led relationship that we share is amazing, and unlike any other I've experienced. you really are one lucky, little sissy white bitch. you found the Woman of your dreams. Now all you have to do is keep trying, serving, and giving to be found worth... View more
Like October 10, 2019