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Cash Verified Slaves
by on September 26, 2019

Point One:

If you are that sad that you are going to troll or intentionally attack or harm another human being, Please go seek professional help.

There is a difference in terms of hurt and harm. Hurt can be repaired, hurt can be fixed with aftercare. Harm, can not be fixed. Harm takes a psychopathic and narcissistic person to pull off.

Being dominant in no way excuses you from intentional harm of a human being. Sorry not sorry for putting this out there.


Point Two:

So you have run to this site in hopes of a few things. This post is directed to the subs and Mistresses into the findom kink. First I will address one myth.

This kink is not and never will be easy money. Maybe you got lucky on your first few interactions and took a subs money for nothing. And who knows you may even make a few 100s off of it. Good for you. But what now? That sub won't be coming back because you just screwed them. Eventually, word will get around of this and poof you will have to start all over again. This will get boring after a while.

Subs: Before you jump at the chance to be dominated look at a few things. Do they have a website? How long have they really been in the kink? Do they have established subs. profiles, any link at all that they are AGE verified? And yes you want this to be something long term then you are going to have to do some type of research or be apart of the many who just get money taken and get nothing else.

I have rearranged my policy so that potential subs may contact me via this site, fetlife (queenfae) or hepays (queenfae) so that they may ask a few questions or get to know me. I will only answer emails that are more than a few sentences. For example "Hi, I want you to dominate me." will be ignored. However something like "Hello Mistress, I have taken the time to read your profile. I hope we have enough in common to chat further. Please take a look at my profile as well." Will be answered.

Remember when it comes down to this fetish it is not about the amount. It is about the sacrifice you make. If you want to know a little more about this world check out this Youtube video.

Now if you are truly interested in this fetish you will take the time to be verified here on findoms. This place keeps us safe and allows us all to enjoy this fetish and the world around it.

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4 people like this.
could you share?
Like September 26, 2019
Mistress Charlotte
👏🏻 This is important.
Like September 26, 2019
Nice read. I'd add blog, along with the website etc. I have a blog, not a website.
Like September 26, 2019