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Cash Verified Slaves
Miss Law
by on September 26, 2019

I'm feeling a real loneliness recently, more often than not. 

Since my live-in slave moved out, I've had a hole in my world. We parted amicably and out of necessity, and I'm more than ready to meet someone long term. I plan on doing an online only relationship right now, but I hope it can develop into more.

How have you coped with the loss of a BDSM relationship vs a monogamous "vanilla" one? I've found that many methods are similar, but moving on is a bit harder.

Do you have any experience on "dating" in FLRs, so to speak? I'm not looking for a customer. I have casual subs, and they are great - but I want a daily, long-term relationship.

How do I move on  to something more serious now that I'm ready emotionally?

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Time. Time heals all wounds. Just put one foot forward, and be consistent in what youre wanting for your future.\
Like September 26, 2019
I’m so sorry for your loss of your live-in. I’m glad you parted amicably, but I certainly understand, as you said it leaves a hole in your world. That phrase is exactly what I have experienced in the past. I agree with you that while the process of moving on is similar to those in vanilla relations... View more
Like September 26, 2019
Miss Law
Thank you both for reading, and for your encouraging words. They are much appreciated.
Like September 26, 2019