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Cash Verified Slaves
by on August 19, 2019

Note: Yeah yeah I know there are still sceptics about crypto currency and by all means that is fine. However please read this with an open mind.

Something I have noticed with being online is that there is always a struggle to find ways for newer subs to serve. Having Circle Pay stop it’s serves in some countries through a lot of us off. Now there is Coinbase (crypto currency app) and Paypal that is international. Paypal however is risky as you can loose everything or your account or have a prick charge back.

This brings me to something that come to my attention by a fellow FemDom. I am sure many of your have heard about TechDomme. She also uses this same techinology on her website. She used something before that which made her millions. The point is ladies there is something interesting here.

See it doesn’t cause YOU anything. Post a picture or short clip on your website. Then code it. The sub or slave then hits the mine button and as long as it is running your account is credited with small amounts. Now have a lot of subs doing this and my dear you are now investing in your future.

Check out my website.

Topics: crypto, findom, femdom