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These are some thoughts I have had from conversations with Miss Dakota & others. Not attempting to tell anyone what or how to do things, it’s just my thoughts.
- Please read the profile of the person you might be interested in before sending a Friend Request or a message. Know your audience! If they are sub, are they Owned or Under Consideration? I have lost count of the number of friend requests & messages from Domme’s I have received since Miss Dakota took me Under Consideration.
- Most serious Domme’s have taken the time to create a their profile that tells quite a bit about them – what they are interested in and what kind of sub they desire. Subs are extremely foolish if they do not use that information. How do you think a Domme will react when you ask a question that is already answered in their profile?
- Speaking of profiles…..write one! If your’s is blank, then your inbox likely is too. Let people know what kind of connection you are looking for….long term, short term, sessions only? What are you interested in? Live for humiliation or long for painful cbt or want kind, affectionate control? Don’t be afraid to say so. No need to be shy about it here.
- More on profiles…..what are your limits? Both Domme’s and subs have limits…..activities that they will not do. And please don’t say you have no limits! Everyone has limits. If you say you don’t, you’re lying to yourself as well as your potential Domme. If you genuinely can’t think of anything you would not do, go ahead and peruse this list - https://www.bdsm-education.com/checklist.html . Then go back and edit your profile!
- Go look at some other profiles and see what other’s have written. This should give you some ideas about what and how to write though there is no one way that is correct. Just reveal something of yourself to your readers.
- So you’ve created your own profile and you’re perusing other profiles and maybe you find someone that matches well with you. What now? Let’s send a message. That’s the point, right? Connect with your dream Domme or your perfect little sub. So what are you going to write? Let’s start with some examples of what NOT to write:
Sub to Domme:
“Hey babe”
“Want a slave?”
Domme to sub:
“Hey there dork”
“Hi loser”
“Hey be a good boy and become my Slave”
Keep in mind that these examples are not made up!.
- As the saying goes “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” So make a little effort with that first message. Try to take a detail from their profile and refer to it. And above all, be respectful! Your goal with that first message is to get a reply and start a conversation with this person. It is a process and it takes time just like the start of any relationship.
- Lastly, why not write a blog post. It really doesn’t matter what you write about. Just like with your profile, you can use this to reveal something about yourself. How have you got here? What has your journey been like? Are you starting a new chapter in your life? And don’t forget to attach an image to your blog post. Otherwise it won’t appear on the latest blogs section on the website.
Good luck and I hope this has been helpful to someone!
findom, submission, connections
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