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Ruby Loxs
by on November 15, 2018

Today I lost my friend. 
I knew her for 20 years, and she and I were eachothers biggest support. We went trough thick and thin,  trough sickness and health. We respected eachothers flaws, our differences and vastly enjoyed eachothers company. 
Last year she became vegan.....
And suddenly me being a pescetarian was not good enough. When we met, I ate meat and she was vegetarian, it was never an issue. We respected eachothers choice. 
Last year she became vegan... 
And my choice wasn't good enough.  
I wasn't good enough .
Nothing I said was good enough. 

Last week I sat in the hospital with her family, around her sick father. All week i was there, driving them to and from hospital, doing laundry housechores, and trivial things you don't want to think about when a family member is ill. 
Because of that, all week long I tolerated her condescending tone and snarky remarks towards everyone around her, I tolerated her believe that she knew more than the physicians, because she read a book. 

Her dad made it trough the week, and is steadily getting better. 
But last year she turned vegan... 
So better is never enough, 
because he is just a vegetarian.

Last  night I finally got to go home, get my thoughts straight, clear my head. I had told her my boundaries about talking about the cure-all "facts" of a plant based diet.

But last year she turned vegan..
So my boundaries are not worth respecting
Because I still use animal products. 

Today I lost a friend. 
And even though i haven't eaten meat in ages, the first thing I did was get  a big fat burger. 
God it was good! (I was quite sick after that, but totally worth it) 

Today I lost a friend. And to all you preaching vegans: (#notallvegans) You are not making the world a better place. You are making it a bitter place. That picture is to you. 

Topics: food, vegan
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Pauley playtoy-OwnedByPB
Sensitive, thank you
Like November 15, 2018