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Cash Verified Slaves
by on August 21, 2018

The greatest knowledge is the ability to put that knowledge to work. Let's fact is we all went to school with the cheerleader with a body and no brains, The bookworm with and brain and no body, but most of us ignored the joker. The one who always seemed to never study but slid through class with grades that just let him pass. After school, he was always looking into something that would make him money. Now he could be your boss.

I am your boss. I learn fast for one reason. How can I use what I learned for my benefit. I also have a heart some most of the time I will find a win/win. However, that does not mean I won't find a way to punish you when things are pushed too far. I research things that I need to make you grow your income therefor growing what you give me each week. 

You see I have a brain and a love of luxurious things. Your job as my pet is to take action with things I give you. Don't give me the lazy excuse that you can't. If you stick to my budget and do as you are told we will both grow an income and a knowledge base.

I will push limits and test you but I will not bankrupt, homewreck or harm you if I can help it. I can only do this if you come to me with the truth. Lie to me and I will leave you with the trash and insta-dommes lurking around every corner.