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Sissy Michaela isn't from findoms. Her and I met through Collar Space a little over a year ago now, she was in chastity for 3 months at first and then it was another 6 and then a full year, we ended the chastity period after 16 months and some days. Through this time she was allowed to cum a few times, only with anal penetration. This was an emotional ride for her and myself at times. I have enjoyed every step we have taken through our journey truly and grown with the time we spent together. With things like this distance can be the make or break. Sometimes you may find distance only works when there is a chance for real time. A chance for real changes. I always believe it is possible.. if you want something badly enough you go for it. Unfortunately today was the end of Michaela and I. There is always something inside me that wants to force her to stay just as I had forced my dolly but sometimes the slave wants to be forced and you can sense that.. other times the slave needs to be let go to find themselves. This not only makes me question their mental health but also makes me question about the damage I could have possibly done. Was this too long for chastity? Daily hypno/anal training too much? Did I damage my sweet girl to the point where she needed to run from me?
At this point I have no answers. I want to believe the best in myself. I push to the near end, is this too much? Is my need to be a terribly sadistic and controlling Princess too strong of a desire? And by controlling I mean literal control over everything, down to diet. (a slut needs to be fit..)
I suppose I am writing this to ask those of you amazing Dommes if you've ever felt this?
to be continued.
Princess Kitten
At this point I have no answers. I want to believe the best in myself. I push to the near end, is this too much? Is my need to be a terribly sadistic and controlling Princess too strong of a desire? And by controlling I mean literal control over everything, down to diet. (a slut needs to be fit..)
I suppose I am writing this to ask those of you amazing Dommes if you've ever felt this?
to be continued.
Princess Kitten
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