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Cash Verified Slaves
by on August 16, 2018

Some of you may have noticed a poll I posted a few days ago and I posted something similar on Reddit for the same reasons. I am discussed by the way media has portrayed our fetish. I am upset even more by the amount of insta-domme's that have flooded the scene as a result. As a dominant myself I am sickened by it.


As a dominant period, it is our responsibility to nurture the submissives that come to us. We need to know what is going on in there life. Are they stable, mentally, emotionally and financially? We need to know these things to practice this fetish responsibly.

When idiots are turned loose with no clue about the basics, people tear families apart. Submissives go bankrupt and suffer for no reason other than "she told me to".

I was outraged yesterday when a new sub came to me during a nasty sub drop. His ex-domme had demanded all of his bank information when he was in the subzone and before he could recover she took everything. From his savings and wages. She walked away with over 150,000 pounds. Luckily it wasn't as bad as it sounded as he was smart enough to keep one account for family and expenses in one bank and the other was for pure fantasy in another bank. (Smart sub.) It was the fact that she didn't know about his other account and took it anyway and sent him an email to rub it in his face that she really didn't give a crap about his problems the money was hers that really pissed me off.

Ladies understand one thing. This fetish is fun. I love what I do. However, first and foremost my subs are human. Small tributes are fine and I closely monitor any game we play. Limits are set before a game is started as it is my responsibility to be an adult and make sure he does not cross that limit or boundary while he is in a subzone. It is also my responsibility to check on him to make sure that at some point if he has a sub drop to be available to talk to him.

People need to stop abusing the gift of submission and actually look out for one another. I know this has turned into more of a rant but it is also here for submissives looking for a Domme who is caring and willing to stop and think about things and be responsible.

Think before you take on the crown of a Dominant. And subs if you are feeling uncomfortable, talk to her. If she does not respect how you fell or willing to talk to you about it. Walk away.

7 people like this.
Thank you MissMorrigan. I will be in touch with him in the morning to see what he is comfortable with. It just makes my blood boil with people like that out there.
Like August 16, 2018
Most likely he will just walk away from it. I can’t imagine him wanting to explain his findom fetish. This is one of these fetish’s you keep to yourself and your superior
Like August 16, 2018
Queen, I wouldnt mind reading about your ethical grounds, and the stories of subs, I think it would help me and also other girls (new ) to have some boundaries.
Like August 17, 2018
Pauley playtoy-OwnedByPB
Also, it is somewhat humiliatig not to be able to say "no" and having to have the domme do it for me...
Like August 21, 2018