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Cash Verified Slaves
Demonessa Haven
by on March 27, 2016
Here is my $10 emergency dungeon kit, all from the local dollar store. Everything pictured cost $0.99.

So my hypothetical local sub:

1. Wooden back scratcher with rollers - this is a great versatile tool and I actually have another one I use normally. It can be used for impact play, raking, and wheels are nice for some more "sensitive" areas.

2. Cucumber - No lube, sorry. Lucky for you it's an English one :)

3. Zip ties - these can be used singly or linked together to tie up, down, or bind anything I might want. They are also strong enough to tie you to an object. A must have.

4. Dog bowl - you will be using this a lot on hands and knees. Also doubles for holding ice for temp play, or other liquids... lap it up.

5. Duct Tape - a gag in a bind, and impromptu hair remover. Also for bondage of course.

6. Clothes pins - Is any toy bag complete without these? I think not.

7. Cling wrap - for breathplay, bondage, and binding found objects against your skin.

8. Grass hula skirt - because I have had a long time fantasy of my own cabana boy, you will be wearing this to serve me drinks, and rub my hot, sweaty, tired feet after all this last minute shopping. The long plastic grass and be plucked a strand at a time to do double duty making zippers with the clothespins.

9. Fly swatter - impact play and swatting you at unexpected times for my amusement, in hot pink naturally.

10. Lastly, a first aid kit because I believe in always being prepared. We shouldn't need it, but it is the one thing you don't want to be without if you do.

As you can see, I am all about multi-purpose items (within reason lol).

This was so much fun, MsPauleyBelle! And gave me a great excuse to get Mexican food at one of my favorite places. I can't wait to see all the entries.

I forgot the receipt LOL: