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Cam Verified Domme
Lifetime Member
Lifetime Member
Royal Domme
Enjoying this New Playroom & getting use to it. Change can be so much fun! *GODDESS GLARES @ SCREEN* Yes , I smile. I'm suppose to smile. I am a Goddess who delights in sensual , sadistic and twisted Love affairs . I work hard , play Hard and command Respect.
Women are Beautiful and you Slaves, you know it. Some of you enjoy us as you enter into our Secret world where we can Play with you , abuse you , humiliate you & yes take your MONEY.Kiss your ass - YOU are to KISS my PRUTTY ARSE & why Because I am a beautiful and Bold woman who will put you in your PLACE.
Need you - NO. A FINDOM does not NEED you , YOU need HER to keep your SECRETS, because DEEP down inside you are a KINKY little FUCKER . I just free you , Granting you Permission to be who you are -- you .
Enjoy acting like a DOG- its because you are a DOG & by all means I will Treat you like one. I enjoy it--- so sit bitch and while you at it- Fetch me that Wallet. Yes you like it just as much as you like that Leash around your neck- the one you Belong on.
Random thoughts ... Can you imagine what it would be like to be able to communicate with a Real Goddess? Yes you would and this is why you are here . The only games to be played ... Is you serving with your FUNDS , our KINK and Your Heart. A. re you not suppose to Dote and adore the Woman that brings out the true you BEHIND CLOSED DOORS ---- Keeping all your filthy Secrets, you filthy Sissy you, Yes you with the Pindick and the Urge to expose it...
Again ... Just random thoughts
As real as it gets with No
Goddess Bats her eyelashes and prepares for her Bubble bath