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Cash Verified Slaves
by on August 10, 2017
Yes its the end of summer, this time of year can get really slow, with last vaca's back to school, prepping for fall. When it gets quiet I see alot more "drommmea" than usual. Ladies lets not blame eachother, when it gets quiet, know when you complain its a turn off. If You think trashing a Domme/s on here will gain favor with Your boys it won't. If You try to "strong arm" a boy it will work for a little bit, but that boy will get wize to the inherent insecurity behind it. End of summer is a slow time period online. I'm seeing more anxt lately, a combustible atmosphere of very powerful ladies, can get vh1 quick. Be original in Your content, and although its supposed to be flattering, imitation, in Our world it is not. Don't mess w/ another Dommes hustle, that's just so wrong. If a boy You play with pays someone else, be glad he pays, period, and then work on how you can get more.
Summary for Summer is, be prepared for the long haul, offer fun and new things, no one else has, be proud in your uniqueness.
a quote from Dangerous Catch "know your roll, and shut your hole". This means if it dosen't pertain to You, stay out of it!!!!!
I have been around a long time, and I do know a few
waaaashuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu it out!
Goddess Britt